Visual Music Theory
Instrument stickers
Durable colourful note markers for any place where you make your instrument sound
FROM: 01 Nov 2016
TILL: Present

Design, production and distribution of the Chromatone stickers

Vivid and durable color note marks to put around corresponding keys/frets/bars and other points on your instrument for engaging visual perception to help hearing and body movements to coordinate while learning and exploring music and arts.

Just small circles, bars and other handy shapes to put right where the note comes from. So you can visually coordinate a movement of your fingers and clearly see the same notes on very different instuiments.

After some time the stickers are not necessary as muscles and ears are finally enough for music. And you can easily remove them with regular rubbing alcohol. Just peel the stickers off and use any alcohol based sanitizer to remove the glue residue. Ethanol is generally safe for the materials of music instruments. Mind that some lacquers on some old wooden instruments may be partially soluble in it this may lead to cloudiness of varnish if excess amount was rubbed across the surface.

First batch of A5 Laminated Cheat Sheets
Finalised design and printed first small batch of quite durable matte plastic laminated thick paper with quite pleasant digital print. Rounded corners make it even more sustainable and it will be around you for as long as you wish to have it hear your instrument.